Tag Archive | Solution

Week 52 – Clues and Solutions.

Cheers once more to @Zteve1, who asked a friend about local large turtles, and found the Gift tucked in the back of a sign in the Yarra Valley Parklands, just down the path from the Bulleen Art and Garden Shop.

We’d like to point out that the maps we checked showed that Zones 1&2 finished just to the south side of Manningham Road West. Some other maps show that it finished at the Yarra. Our apologies – we thought it was such a cool hiding place that we couldn’t let it go.

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Week 51 – Clues and Solution

Another set of cheering and clapping for @Cefiar, who found the gift tucked into a grille at the back of a restaurant, in Caledonia Lane near the loading dock for the Emporium. The building is number 237 Swanston Street. Caledonia Lane is named for a pub that used to be nearby, which was named after the old word for Scotland.

We hope Cefiar didn’t find the place as smelly as we did. We’re also amazed that, despite the large numbers of smokers in the lane, not one person paid any attention to our prowling and gift-hiding. Dot must have learned how to become invisible!

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Week 50 CBD Clues and Solutions


(The following solutions post was written by @Reynardo_Red, who hid the gift. She insisted!)

Huge hoorays go to @fpvs, who deciphered the clues and discovered the gift inside a repurposed downpipe in Duckboard Place, which connects to AC/DC lane and both run off Flinders Lane. And for those sceptics among you (you know who you are)1, you can see from the picture on the left that the drainpipe itself has no connection to gutters, so the only rain that would get into it was that driven by the wind into the tiny hole at the top. I was confident that it would be fine, even with our downpour on the weekend.2


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Week 50 Zone 1 Clues and Solutions

This week’s Zone 1 gift was hidden by @Crennsmind, who persuaded Dot by the amazingness of his hiding place that perhaps trees aren’t that bad. He tucked the gift inside the metal anti-possum ring on a tree near the Melbourne Museum, in Carlton just north of the CBD. And @Zteve1 tracked down the gift, checking many trees in the process.

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Week 49 Clues and Solution

Dot is giving cheering happily but damply for @Camachri, who found this week’s gift under a rock at the small garden at the top of Exhibition Street, next to the Royal Society of Victoria. The fountain there is called Grant’s Fountain, and while it isn’t running now, the Google Street View shows a plastic fountain that was present during the summer.

With the last two gifts being found before the hunt started, we thought we’d better check the location (we hid it a couple of weeks ago, before our big work offsite). When we approached the little garden where it was hidden, we were worried to see that the Melbourne City Staff had landscaped the park. Luckily, though, we had hidden this gift under a very large rock, and the staff’s landscaping efforts had only covered it more securely.

And now, the clues. Read More…

Week 48 – Clues and Solutions for an early-found gift.

This week’s gift had been found early by a lovely lady, so we ran the hunt instead as an armchair clue-fest. And then @Cefiar worked out the location by the end of Monday! The gift had been tucked into the side of the bust of Raoul Wallenberg in Kew, at the junction of 5 roads.

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Week 47 Clues and Solution

Yay to @fpvs who used her noggin and her Image Searching (and a helpful passer-by) to pin down the site of the gift this week. It was hidden in a wall in Wicklow Lane, a small lane off Little Lonsdale St between King and William streets.

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Week 46 Clues and Solutions

Dot is thrilled that the gift was found so early, on Tuesday, by @Kevied. It was tucked into the wooden garden edging beside Spotswood Station. (We’ve got the wakies and thought we might as well post this now)

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Week 45 Lost Gift – Clues and Solutions

We are sorry that this week’s gift went a-roaming. Our congrats to those people who worked out the location, though.

Before we start on these solutions, you need to know that Macpherson Robertson was a chocolate manufacturer and a great benefactor to Melbourne. Dot decided when she chose the hiding place that she should try some of each of the products mentioned here.

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Week 44 Clues and Solutions

@Pelagikat braved the dark and cold, and went out to find the gift. It was tucked in the stones on the eastern side of the High St bridge over the Merri Creek at Westgarth.

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